“Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name, welcomes me… For where two or three meet in my name, I am there among them.”
(Matthew 18:5 & 20)
We have a weekly Mass with the entire student body. We celebrate Mass every Friday at 8:30 AM in the gym. All students attend each Mass, and parents and family are always welcome to attend and worship with us. This is a great way for us to worship and grow in Christ as a school community. Each week a different grade is responsible for the readings, Responsorial Psalm and Prayers of the Faithful. Once a month (during the school year) the students will attend a Sunday Mass and hold a bake sale to help raise money for the school.
Our Mass is enhanced with a mix of contemporary praise and worship music led by a student choir. The choir is made up of student volunteers from 4th – 8th grades.
Father Joe leads each Mass and does a wonderful job at involving the kids. Father Joe’s homily is built around a question that he will ask all of the students, he will then listen to a number of responses from the students, then concludes the Homily with an inspiring message/lesson that is easy for the kids to understand and apply to their life.
We also offer the opportunity for our students to learn the how to grow in their Catholic life through participating in Sacrament of Healing (First Reconciliation), the Sacrament of First Communion and going through the Sacrament of Confirmation. On special occasions, we have also had students choose to have the Sacrament of Baptism performed during our school Mass. Students are also able to volunteer to be Altar Servers at each Mass.